How to Keep Your Limestone Looking New

Limestone blocks are popular in Perth and used throughout the home. This durable, beautiful, and practical natural stone makes for a wonderful material when it comes to both external construction and internal styling. 

However, whether you’re opting for limestone retaining wall blocks or flooring, you’ll likely want your investment in this sought-after stone to bring in a long-term and worthwhile return.

So, how do you keep your limestone looking new?

Fortunately, limestone–being the hardy stone that it is–is just as ‘un-needy’ as you’d want it to be. Nevertheless, with some basic maintenance habits and thoughtful cleaning tips, you can ensure your limestone blocks look as good as ever for long into the future.

Tips for Keeping Your Limestone Looking New

1. Hose It Down

When we said that keeping your limestone blocks looking fantastic is easy, we meant it! One of the best ways to clean (external) limestone blocks, such as those in retaining walls or pool pavers, is a simple hose down.

Using a normal hose or even a high-pressure hose on its lowest setting will help to remove debris and dirt to ensure the natural stunning aesthetic of the stone continues to shine through.

2. Avoid Acidic Cleaners

Limestone, like all natural stone types, can be damaged by acidic products. Avoid using any detergents or cleaners that are abrasive or acid-based.

There are special limestone-specific cleaners that can be bought and used, but in many cases, some warm, clean, and soapy water is more than good enough. If you’re not 100% sure whether the cleaner you have in your cupboard is safe to use on your stone, don’t take the risk. Click here to give the team right here at Remastone a call and check!

3. Clean Up Spills

As with many things in life, prevention is always better than cure If something should spill on your limestone, especially something with a potent ability to cause staining, make sure to clean it up as quickly as possible.

This ensures that nothing untoward soaks into the stone itself, even with limestone which is not particularly porous.

Tip: How To Clean Spills

With limestone blocks especially but all stone for that matter, the best way to clean a spill is not (as is commonly thought) to wipe it with a cloth. Rather, take the cloth and use it to blot the spill and soak the excess liquid up. The motion of wiping will often simply spread the spill and likely cause more damage. 

4. Use the Right Brushes

When you’re removing dirt from your limestone blocks, always use a light scrubber or gentle-bristle brush. As we mentioned before, limestone is appealingly durable so there’s no need to scratch away at it when cleaning. Simply, soft, and gentle scrubbing with a regular brush should more than do the trick.

5. Dry Limestone Properly

Fortunately for those with limestone blocks in Perth, more often than not, the sun will adequately dry the stone. However, if you do need to dry a certain section, we recommend patting down the limestone with a lint-free towel or cloth.

Always use a clean cloth and–as with spills–work in a blotting or patting motion, rather than a scrubbing or wiping one.

Should you choose limestone?

In short, absolutely!

Limestone is a durable, practical, and versatile stone that can be used to truly elevate the inside and out of your home.

Plus, with its earthy and stunning aesthetic, it makes for more than just a functional construction material but allows you to create a real and impressive visual statement.

Remastone – your provider of limestone blocks Perth

Thinking about limestone? Considering how you can use this fantastic stone? Curious about using limestone blocks?

The Remastone team is here to help! We’d love to help you discover new and unique ways in which this fantastic material can transform your home. Thanks to the wide range of patterns, colours and styles, there’s a perfect slab of limestone for every application!

So why not check out our range of limestone blocks today? And if you’d like to find out more, simply get in touch with our team and arrange a no-pressure and no-obligation quote!